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enterprises’ management mechanisms
企业管理机制 企业治理机制  detail>>
management mechanisms
转换国有企业管理机制 转换国有企业治理机制  detail>>
management in enterprises
企业管理  detail>>
management of enterprises
企业管理  detail>>
the mechanisms for risk management
风险控制机制  detail>>
to shift to new management mechanisms
转化机制  detail>>
management for financial enterprises
金融企业经营管理  detail>>
management of companies and enterprises
在公司和企业管理层谋职  detail>>
management of wholesale enterprises
批发企业管理  detail>>
机制  detail>>
支持发展大企业放开小企业 中国企业联合会  detail>>
acceleration mechanisms
加速机制  detail>>
breakback mechanisms
复位安全机构  detail>>
commitment mechanisms
约束机制  detail>>
common mechanisms
公共机制  detail>>
compatibility mechanisms
兼容机制  detail>>
coping mechanisms
应对机制  detail>>
deformation mechanisms
变形历程  detail>>